Local WLGA Member Resources
Assistance on local requirements, information and other needs regarding LG applications and appliances in a country as well as the use of LPG in a particular location, can be obtained through the local members of the WLGA.
Our WLGA members, and in particular the local LG Associations and the LG distributors who are active in the country, would be pleased to advice on availability of specific applications in the country and suggest suitable resources and suppliers.
More specifically, member LG Associations and organisations active or with web pages on LPG applications can be found below:
- Brasil, Sindigas, the Brasilian LG Association: www.sindigas.com.br
- Canada, Canadian Propane Association: http://www.propane.ca/en/about-propane/applications
- Europe, AEGPL, the European LG Association: www.aegpl.eu
- France, CFBP, the French LG Association: www.cfbp.fr
- Germany, DVFG, the German LG Association: www.dvfg.de
- Japan, Japan Liquid Gas Association: www.j-lpgas.gr.jp
- Korea, the Korean LG Association: www.klpg.or.kr
- Latin America, AIGLP, the Latin America LG Association: www.aiglp.org
- Poland, Polish LG Association: www.pogp.pl
- Spain, Spanish LG Association: www.aoglp.com/
- UK, UKLPG, the UK LG Association: www.uklpg.org
- USA, PERC, the USA Propane Education & Research Council: www.propanecouncil.org see also here
LPG distributors
- Australia, ELGAS, www.elgas.com.au
- Australia, Kleenheat, www.kleenheat.com.au
- Austria, Primagaz GmbH, www.primagaz.at
- Belgium, Primagaz Belgium N.V. www.primagaz.be
- Bosnia, Liquivex d.o.o. www.liquivex.tel.net.ba
- Brazil, SHV Gas Brasil www.shvgas.com.br
- Croatia, Butan Plin d.o.o. www.butanplin.hr
- Czech Rep., Primagas s.r.o www.primaplyn.cz
- Denmark, Primagaz Danmark A/S www.primagaz.dk
- France, Primagaz, www.primagaz.fr
- Germany, Primagas Energie GmbH & Co. KG www.primagas.de
- UK, Calor, Group Ltd. www.calorgas.co.uk
- UK, Flogas, www.flogas.co.uk
- Hungary, Prí¬magáz Hungária Zrt. www.primagaz.hu
- India, SHV Energy India Pvt. Ltd. www.supergas.com
- Ireland Calor Teoranta www.calorgas.ie
- Italy, Liquigas S.p.A. www.liquigas.it
- Malta Liquigas Malta Ltd. www.liquigasmalta.com
- Netherlands Primagaz Nederland B.V. www.primagaz.nl
- Northern Ireland Calor Gas Northern Ireland Ltd. www.calorgas.ie
- Norway Primagaz Norge AS www.primagaz.no
- P.R. China SHV (China) Investment Company Ltd. www.xiweigas.com
- Philippines Liquigaz Philippines Corporation www.liquigaz.com
- Poland Gaspol S.A. www.gaspol.pl
- Slovakia, Probugas a.s. www.probugas.sk
- Slovenia, Butan Plin d.d. www.butanplin.si
- South Africa, Easigas: www.afrox-gas.co.za
- Spain, Prímagas Energí¬¬a S.A.U. www.primagaz.es
- Sweden, Primagaz Sverige AB www.primagaz.se
- Turkey, Bizimgaz Ticaret ve Sanayi A.S. www.bizimgaz.com
- Turkey, Ipragaz A.S. www.ipragaz.com
Click here to access the complete list of WLGA members per country