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New report (link) added on the Gas Heat Pump page on the performance and market potential of commercial-scale gas heat pumps in the UK

Delta-ee, working with David Strong Consulting Ltd, has carried out research for DECC (UK Department of Energy and Climate Change) to understand how well gas heat pumps perform in real installations, and what the market potential in the UK is. Answering this question will support DECC’s decision regarding the possible inclusion of gas heat pumps in the commercial Renewable Heat Incentive. Gas heat pumps are the only one of the suite of “new” technologies investigated by DECC to be taken forward to the next stage of consideration for the RHI.

The main issues addressed in Delta-ee’s report are as follows:

Current market:

  • Understanding gas heat pump technologies, products and sales channels – How do engine and sorption systems compare? Who are the main players in the global and European market? What are the sales channels through which gas heat pumps can be accessed in the UK?
  • Collecting and analysing real performance data of gas heat pumps from across the UK and Europe
  • Sizing the UK market and understanding where gas heat pumps are currently installed in the UK building stock

Future market:

  • Understanding the addressable market – segmenting the UK commercial building stock and understanding demand patterns
  • Understanding the potential application of gas heat pumps? i.e. heating, cooling or hot water?; which end-use sectors?; new build or retrofit?; on-gas or on-gas? Drawing on experience outside the UK, where could gas heat pumps be installed?
  • Analysing the market drivers and barriers in the UK to adoption of gas heat pumps
  • Modelling the economic proposition for different types of gas heat pumps against the incumbent technologies today and in the future.
  • Forecasting market uptake for gas heat pumps under three scenarios

Published on 5 December 2014

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